Malcolm ======= Malcolm is a middlelayer framework that implements high level configure/run behaviour of control system components like those used in continuous scans. This `repository`_ contains a Python implementation (pymalcolm) allowing the creation of Malcolm servers and clients. There is also a `malcolmjs`_ JavaScript client and a Java client in `GDA`_. Malcolm was created as part of the `Mapping project`_ at `Diamond Light Source`_ in order to improve the performance of continuous scanning, providing a system that could scan arbitrary trajectories like spirals and grids within polygonal regions. What can Malcolm do? -------------------- Malcolm provides a layer on top of `EPICS`_ that wraps up groups of `PVs`_ and presents a higher level scanning interface to `GDA`_ via `pvAccess`_. .. digraph:: malcolm_dls_usage bgcolor=transparent node [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 shape=box style=filled fillcolor="#8BC4E9"] edge [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 arrowhead=vee] {rank=same;Detector EPICS "HDF File"} Malcolm [shape=doublecircle] GDA -> Malcolm [label="scan.configure()\"] Malcolm -> EPICS [label="caput\ncamonitor"] Detector -> EPICS [label="Frame data"] EPICS -> "HDF File" [label="Frame data"] EPICS -> "Motor Controller" [label="Motion trajectory"] Malcolm was developed for continuous scanning and the diagram above shows how Diamond uses it, but it can also be used in other ways: * As a library that can be used in continuous scanning scripts without acting as a server * As a webserver, exposing a web GUI for configuring the underlying hardware that communicates to Malcolm using `JSON`_ over `websockets`_ * As a distributed object system, using either `pvAccess`_ or `websockets`_ to communicate and synchronise objects between multiple Malcolm processes How is the documentation structured? ------------------------------------ The documentation is structured into a series of `tutorials-doc` and some general `reference-doc` documentation. End users and developers need different documentation, so links for various categories of user are listed below: Configuring Malcolm to work with your hardware ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Work through the `tutorials-doc` then look at the `malcolm.modules` API documentation to see what arguments need to be passed to each object in the YAML file. Controlling Malcolm via comms protocols ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read the `hello_tutorial`, then look at the `block_structure` and `message_structure` sections. The `malcolm.modules.pva` module contains some pvAccess specific documentation. The `RunnableStates` statemachine will also be of interest. .. _installation_guide: Installation Guide ------------------ Using pipenv ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We now use pipenv_ to generate the environment for Malcolm at Diamond. This should also work in any environment where pipenv is available. .. _pipenv: First download the source code:: $ git clone $ cd pymalcolm To be able to use Malcolm run:: $ pipenv install For development you will need additional development packages:: $ pipenv install --dev Then you can use the entry point to run Malcolm:: $ pipenv run imalcolm Note: Malcolm is now installed as an editable module by default to make development easier. Using pip ~~~~~~~~~ Otherwise you can install Malcolm using pip in any venv:: $ pip install malcolm Which then gives you the entry point (assuming the venv is activated):: $ imalcolm .. _repository: .. _malcolmjs: .. _Mapping project: